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Based on 15 reviews
Jean-Baptiste Grenouille
Helpful, pleasant and very responsive. I highly recommend
Kams M
Good professional, punctual, understanding, attentive, keep it up.
Prevost Aurelie
Honestly super on top👍👍👍 nothing to say. First time with this taxi service and I don't regret it at all.
Arlette Feuquer
Drivers always punctual and very friendly. Cleanliness of the cars. Since 2019, I have used this group for my trips to various clinics and my errands in Beauvais. I know a lot of drivers from this group, all friendly. Thank you Mr. Mohamed for allowing me to know your company.
Jean Francois Palin
Best for customers. Thanks to Samir for this first. I'm using my husband's account for this review.
Charline Grz
Very good driver, pleasant and good communication, I recommend with pleasure.
virginia agr
Very friendly but comfortable it was for a trip for hospitalization I didn't see the time and my reassurance did much more than a taxi ride
maklay teskitoi
A Taxi that impresses, super friendly, ultra smooth driving especially following a surgical operation. The taxi driver is friendly, conversational, honest and always tries to ease an unexpected mistake in his schedule, I recommend him!
Zagreb Zea
Very friendly and very helpful service. I recommended all A++++